Useless Young Candidate

Photo of Useless Young Candidate
Photo of Useless Young Candidate
Photo of Useless Young Candidate

Verdi frets that his biz partner, Chaco, hires unqualified men. But he hasn't time to find out if that includes the latest. With his own work to do—like buying parts. This gives Chaco a chance to prove the new guy, Gazo, is good for something—like fucking! Verdi returns to discover Chaco may be right. But to be sure, he joins his bud in trying out the recruit's skills. Using Gazo back and forth works out so well, this pair of really big bosses are certain this little helper will always be useful!

Categories: Big Cock, Daddy Tops Younger, Gay, Over 70
Details: Feb 20, 2022 33 min
Photo of Chaco
Photo of Gazo
Photo of Verdi

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